Découvrez notre supermarché

Explorez notre large sélection de produits frais, surgelés et en conserve.

assorted items on display in store
assorted items on display in store
woman in red long sleeve shirt and black pants standing on white floor tiles
woman in red long sleeve shirt and black pants standing on white floor tiles
pile of grocery items
pile of grocery items
man in gray polo shirt and blue denim jeans standing on grocery store
man in gray polo shirt and blue denim jeans standing on grocery store
great value green beans can
great value green beans can
male browsing refrigerated goods at store with DoorDash bag
male browsing refrigerated goods at store with DoorDash bag

Bienvenue chez Comores Discount

Nous sommes un supermarché offrant une large gamme de produits frais, surgelés, en conserve et de boucherie halal. Découvrez nos viandes, poissons et produits alimentaires divers de qualité.

woman selecting packed food on gondola
woman selecting packed food on gondola



Frais et varié

Halal varié